

A smile makeover can be a wonderful thing, boosting confidence and even your quality of life. At Montrose Dental our experienced dentists can determine the right type of procedures to restore, correct and re-establish a healthy smile.

A smile makeover can sometimes be a simple procedure with a cosmetic correction or we can look at longer term issues such as tooth wear and gum related deficiencies. Determining how to best correct and restore the condition of oral health for optimum patient care can lead to a much healthier mouth.

A smile makeover can lead to better overall health and attribute to better quality of life. Smile with confidence and enthusiasm with a smile make over from Montrose Dental.


A smile makeover is a comprehensive and customized dental treatment plan designed to enhance the appearance of a person’s smile. It involves a combination of various cosmetic and restorative dental procedures to address multiple dental concerns and achieve the desired aesthetic results. Smile makeovers are tailored to the unique needs, goals, and preferences of each individual.

Common issues addressed in a smile makeover may include:

1. Tooth Color: Stained or discolored teeth can be addressed through teeth whitening or other cosmetic procedures to improve overall tooth color.

2. Tooth Shape and Size: Irregularly shaped or small teeth can be reshaped or resized using procedures such as dental bonding or veneers.

3. Alignment and Spacing: Crooked or misaligned teeth can be corrected through orthodontic treatments like braces or clear aligners.

4. Missing Teeth: Gaps caused by missing teeth can be addressed with dental implants, bridges, or dentures.

5. Tooth Length: Uneven tooth lengths can be adjusted to create a more harmonious smile through procedures like gum contouring or crown lengthening.

6. Gum Health: Gum issues, such as excessive gum display (gummy smile) or receding gums, can be addressed through procedures like gum contouring or grafting.

7. Overall Smile Symmetry: Procedures such as veneers or crowns can be used to create a more symmetrical and balanced smile.

A smile makeover typically involves a combination of cosmetic and restorative dental treatments, and it may include procedures such as:

1. Teeth Whitening: To brighten and whiten discolored teeth.

2. Porcelain Veneers: Thin, custom-made shells that cover the front surface of teeth to improve their appearance.

3. Dental Bonding: The application of a tooth-colored resin to correct issues like chips, cracks, or gaps.

4. Orthodontic Treatment: Braces or clear aligners to straighten misaligned teeth.

5. Dental Implants: To replace missing teeth and restore both function and appearance.

6. Crowns and Bridges: To restore and improve the shape, size, and alignment of teeth.

7. Gum Contouring: Reshaping the gumline to improve the appearance of the teeth.

8. *Full Mouth Reconstruction: In cases where extensive restorative work is needed, a full mouth reconstruction may be considered.

The process of a smile makeover begins with a comprehensive evaluation of the patient’s oral health and aesthetic goals. The dentist works closely with the patient to develop a personalized treatment plan that addresses their unique concerns. Smile makeovers often involve collaboration between different dental specialists to ensure that all aspects of the smile are considered.

It’s important for individuals considering a smile makeover to have realistic expectations and to communicate openly with their dentist about their goals and preferences. A well-executed smile makeover can not only enhance the appearance of the smile but also improve overall dental health and self-confidence.

What Can a Smile Makeover Do for Me?

The beauty of a smile makeover is that it can address several aspects of your smile at once, including:

  • Crooked, misaligned or overlapping teeth
  • Gaps between teeth
  • Worn, short or irregularly-shaped teeth
  • Stained or darkened teeth
  • Chipped or cracked teeth

Altogether, the procedure can create an entirely new smile for you, complementing all of your best features. During a consultation, you can learn more about how this treatment can help you feel and look your very best. If you have restorative dental needs, like missing teeth, Dr. Weiss will work closely with you to provide available treatment options to establish a state of good oral health before you receive cosmetic work.

Personalized Care

During a thorough examination, Dr. Weiss will use your personal input, digital imaging, and x-rays to begin creating a comprehensive treatment plan. Using a wax-up (a model of what your smile will look like post-treatment), our team is able to provide a clear idea of the results you can expect to achieve.

A smile makeover typically consists of one or more of the following:

  • Porcelain Veneers – Veneers have many applications, but they are primarily used to conceal minor dental imperfections and create an appearance of symmetry and uniformity.
  • Teeth Whitening – Our Zoom!™ In-Office Whitening System can dramatically brighten dull teeth in about an hour. Take-home kits are available for patients who prefer to whiten in the privacy of their own home, on their own time.
  • Invisalign® – Offered as an alternative to traditional metal braces, Invisalign® uses a set of clear, removable plastic aligners to gently straighten teeth. The duration of treatment time is comparable to traditional braces.
  • Gum contouring – Used to alleviate a “gummy smile,” gum reshaping gently and permanently removes excess gum tissue to reveal a more attractive gum-to-tooth ratio.
  • Dental crowns – In addition to fulfilling restorative needs like replacing and strengthening teeth, custom dental crowns may be used to enhance the appearance of some teeth.
  • Dental bonding – A more conservative alternative to veneers, bonding may be used to fill minor chips and cracks, lengthen short teeth, and fill gaps between teeth.

Frequently Asked Questions

Choosing the right cosmetic dentistry treatments for your smile makeover is an important decision. 

The expertise and guidance of a skilled cosmetic dentist are crucial in selecting the right cosmetic dentistry treatments for your smile makeover. By discussing your goals, preferences, and concerns, you can collaborate with the dentist to create a personalized treatment plan that enhances your smile and boosts your confidence.

Yes, a smile makeover can potentially address bite alignment issues. While the primary focus of a smile makeover is to improve the appearance of the smile, certain cosmetic dentistry treatments can also contribute to correcting bite alignment problems.

Some common cosmetic dentistry procedures that may help correct bite alignment issues include orthodontic treatments, porcelain veneers or crowns, and dental implants.

It’s important to note that not all bite alignment issues can be fully corrected with cosmetic dentistry alone. Complex cases may require collaboration with an orthodontist or oral surgeon to develop a comprehensive treatment plan that addresses both aesthetic and functional concerns.

The number of appointments needed for a smile makeover can vary depending on several factors, including the complexity of your case, the specific treatments involved, and your individual treatment plan. While it’s best to consult with your dentist to get an accurate estimate for your unique situation, here’s a general overview: initial consultation, preparatory appointments, treatment appointments, and follow-up appointments.

The duration between appointments can also vary depending on the specific treatments involved. Some procedures may be completed in a single appointment, while others may require multiple visits over a period of weeks or months.

Yes, a smile makeover can improve your oral health along with enhancing the appearance of your smile. Many cosmetic dentistry procedures that are part of a smile makeover also offer functional benefits and can contribute to better oral health. Here are a few ways a smile makeover can improve your oral health: addressing tooth decay and damage, resolving gum disease, replacing missing teeth, and improving bite alignment.

It’s important to note that a smile makeover is a comprehensive approach that combines both aesthetic and functional improvements. By addressing cosmetic concerns and underlying oral health issues, a smile makeover can enhance not only the appearance of your smile but also the overall health and well-being of your mouth. Your dentist will design a personalized treatment plan to achieve the best possible outcome for both your oral health and smile aesthetics.

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Looking for a dentist in Niagara falls? We’re happily accepting new patients at our dental clinic! Contact us to get started today.